Membership area.

Welcome to the Kayak Essentials Membership Area!

Kayak Essentials Membership gives you exclusive access to a bank of new resources to develop your personal paddling, leadership, navigation and coaching skills. We will create videos, articles, podcasts and coaching discussions, exclusively for our Essential Members.

We also look forward to creating new content based on your requests – feel free to tell us what you want to see!

Our Membership Area already includes almost four hours of footage from our popular Sea Kayak Essentials films, divided into over 20 chapters featuring technical skills in dynamic sea conditions, safety and rescue techniques in open water, tide race, surf and rock gardens – plus a wealth of information for group leaders and coaches.

You will also find technical skills articles in our Membership Area – a series of coaching exercises to take afloat, to develop your boat handling skills and confidence in dynamic water.

Membership – which you can join or leave at any time – is available for only £3.60 a month.

We think that’s amazing value!